This document is designed to supplement the in-person class.
Please read it before class and bring in any questions!
There is an intelligent force that flows through our body’s which has been called many different names over the centuries. Chi, prana, mana, life force, ki, spirit to name a few. All the different names speak of the same thing. There is a life giving force of energy that is innate to all living and non living beings. This innate intelligent force of energy flows through and over our bodies. We can all sense this energy in different ways and as we begin to consciously move this energy, we begin to wake up to our higher potential of who we are and what we can do.
This energy surrounds us and gives us life. It is malleable and craftable into any intention you set into it. It does not discern between “good” and “evil,” it simply is.
What is Energy Healing?
Energy healing is the interaction of one or more beings exchanging and sharing in the same unified field of energy. Energy healing can occur in many ways, verbally, in a simple action or by presence alone. A good conversation or an act of kindness are common times when we share a unified field with another. It is the unified field in combination of our beings emanating the energy that sparks the healing. Anything can be energy healing when you are aligned and with clear intention.
Energy healing can be done by yourself or in groups. The potency of the unified field increases when two or more people are together. A stronger and more energetically available field is created when more people add into the field with conscious intent. This effect seems to compound exponentially, the more people who add into the field, the stronger it becomes.
Energetic Boundaries
When we are in the presence of another we are exchanging energy. A common question becomes, how to protect yourself from unwanted energy? The simplest answer is to have clear energetic boundaries. To have a defined place in your field of energy where “you” begin and end. The paradox of this is that everything is “you” and thus you have nothing to fear. When we accept this paradox, we can begin to see that all sources of “good” and “bad” energy, are just energy. Energy is neither good nor bad, it simple is. We give it definition and decide its quality when we send and receive it.
Mastership is when we can receive all forms of energy as simply energy and let them flow though us, being the transmuter and receiver of all.
We want to accept and use this paradox of boundaries. It is good to have clear and defined boundaries, and at the same time know that our boundaries are endless.
The Turn Around
If we are experiencing energy that we find uncomfortable or “bad,” it is helpful to realize that the only way this energy can affect us is if we, ourselves, have this energy with in us. This principle is called “The Turn Around” and it states that if someone is doing something that bothers you in any way, you are engaging in that energy in some way in your life. It may show up in a similar or different form, however the base energy is the same.
An example of this is if someone is talking during a movie and it upsets you to the point that you cannot pay attention to the movie and are thinking about the persons actions as the movie is going on. You may not do the same action of talking during the movie, however you may have a habit of speaking over someone or interrupting while they are in conversation. The action is not the same but the energy of unconscious interruption is the same. Apply this to any area in your life where someone is doing something that bothers you and see how you are engaging in the same action. By doing this we take responsibility for our world that we are creating consciously and unconsciously.
How to Ground, Source and Center.
This is one of the most important tools for using energy. When you are in a centered and connected state, you have defined boundaries and are connected to an infinite amount of energy. Any “Bad” energy that you may contact will immediately be grounded, like an electrical circuit. At the same time, you have a connection to an infinite amount of energy because you are connected to all that is. You have the ability to use this energy with decrement because you are centered.
Being centered means you are in the middle of the past and the future located in front and back of you; of source and ground located above and below you; from giving and receiving located to the right and left of you. You are in present now time in the center of it all. It is from this place that energy work is conducted.
A simple exercise is to imagine you are in the center of a 3-dimensional cube. There is a wall in front and behind you, a wall above and below you, and a wall to the right and left. The wall in front of you represents the future, the wall behind you, the past. The wall above you represents source, the wall below you represents earth, or ground. The wall to your right is the masculine giving, the wall to your left is the feminine receiving. Present time is located in the center.
When you visualize yourself in this cube, notice where your mind or energy leans to, up down left right? You can also do this while standing and notice if you favor a side. Are all 6 walls of the cube present? If you are favoring a side you can use this to help determine if you are out of balance in that area of life. Leaning too far to the right? How are you over giving? Is your head too forward on your body? Your mind may be thinking of the future too often. Stuck on your heels? You may be living in the past.
Bring yourself back into the center of the cube, resetting your location to the present moment. This can be done at any time to bring yourself to the present moment.
Sensing Energy
There are many ways people may sense this energy, such as heat, or coolness, electricity or heaviness, tingle or itchiness. There is no wrong way to feel this energy. You may notice that you have a certain way that you prefer to sense this energy. When you become knowledgeable with the way you sense energy you can begin to branch out into other ways. They are all accessible to us.
There are many ways to sense this energy. The major ways are to feel and see it, other common ways are to know that it is present, to hear its tones or to taste its quality. We have access to all the ways; however, we will most likely have one or two that are the most easily accessible. We can use the easily accessible senses to understand the subtle callings of the energy and hone our ability to decern. With this the other senses can be more easily understood.
The most common psychic senses are clairsentience (feeling), clairvoyance (seeing), claircognizance (knowing), clairaudience (hearing) and clairgustance (tasting). These are ways that our physical body interprets the energy that is coming forth. Energy enters our field of awareness and one or more of these senses decodes its meaning. With practice each sense can be used in turn to decode an energetic message, possibly gleaning more information with each decoding.
Using Energy to heal
When you are connected to source, grounded and centered, you have access to the infinite energy of creation. When this energy enters our energy field we are filled with its light and have access to it. This energy can run through our body or over our auric field. When healing, allow this energy to flow into and from you, into whatever you are infusing with energy.
When energy healing it is important to keep your physical energy separate from the energy of those around you. Knowing your energy- knowing who you are in this moment and knowing stillness become important to decern between your energy and those around you. Your life force energy is reserved to flow only through your body, it is your vitality. Do not heal with this energy. There is a finite amount of it each day. If you are tired at the end of a healing and feel drained of energy, this is a sign that you are using this reserve of energy.
It is my own personal rule that only source energy and my own vital energy can come in contact with my physical body when I am healing. Any energetic discharge from the person travels over and through my auric field, never contacting my physical body. This is a level of boundary and a statement toward the sacredness of your body’s vital energy.
On this same note, when other people say they “feel” other people too strongly. They are bringing the other person’s energy into their vital energy and acting as if it is theirs. This is not a good energetic strategy for many reasons, one being that it is usually uncomfortable and second you can be stripping that person of karmic lessons by transmuting and feeling their energy for them.
A simple shift in language can produce a shift in the way we interpret the energy around us. By saying we “sense” their energy instead of “feel,” we change the way we receive the energy.
It is another personal rule of mine that I only feel my own feelings. I can sense, relate to, have compassion for, or understand another’s feeling. However, when I feel an energy, it becomes deeply processed and is reserved for my own energy. It is the difference between someone touching your arm or touching the inside of your stomach.
Sharing Energy
When we first begin to sense this energy, it may be our desire to send it to other people, to share its gifts. When we send energy to another person, it is first up to them and their soul if they choose to receive it or not. It is their right either way. If they choose to accept the energy, we are giving them more potential energy to have access to. We begin to charge their battery so they may use the energy in any way they deem appropriate.
There are many ways to share energy between people, a conversation, eye contact, brushing a shoulder, a hug. The amount of energy exchanged is unique to each situation and encounter. If you are in the presence of another person and you are sharing the same space with each other, there is most likely an exchange of energy going on. The amount of energy that is shared is always based on the situation and the highest good.
When we allow this energy to flow through us to another person, we must use discernment that we are using source energy, not our own supply of vital energy. We can notice where we are sending energy from in our body. Is the energy coming from above you, or below your feet? Is it coming from your stomach or another place on your body? A rule of thumb is that if you are sending energy from a place in your body, you are most likely using your own life supply. This will eventually run out and you will feel depleted. When you are using source energy, you will always feel recharged and full of life. If you feel tired after working with someone, this is a tell-tale sign that you are using your own energy in the process. Remember to source and ground to come from a centered place.
Energetic cords are when two or more people have energetic attachments to each other through the auric field or body. Cord attachments always share energy between each other no matter the distance. Certain triggers can cause the person to unconsciously pull energy from the other party. The majority of energetic cords are created out of fear. A common place for energetic cords is in romantic relationships where fear has caused both parties to siphon energy from the other person. There may be many psychological and energetic reasons for someone to cord to another person. Remember that energetic cords always involve both people, no one can cord to you without your consent. If someone is corded to you, you are most likely corded to them. How to remove energetic cords will be covered in a later class. If you want to remove your cords now, energetic cords can be removed through your awareness of your energetic attachments to people, ideas and beliefs. Breathe into the attachment and consciously let it go. Seal your energy body and thank the person for helping you realize the energy.
You are a receiver of energy. Your body is a finely tuned instrument that can pick up on the subtitles in a person’s energy field and bring in the exact energy that is needed for that moment.
When channeling universal energy, we become a conduit for the energy to travel between the higher more refined energies, to the denser energies of the physical plane. We step down the energy so it can be accessed.
At first, you will learn to channel universal energy as it comes into you, and then direct it where it is needed. Universal energy is white light. White light contains all of the colors of the rainbow. Each quality of light has a different application and purpose to its color. White light is always a perfect option for any occasion. Other options are red for safety and grounding, orange for personal connection, yellow for action, green for healing, blue for communication, purple for psychic endeavors and gold for source connection, You can always remember the rainbow song and link them to the chakras for a quick reference to the light that is needed. Another way is to simply intend that the correct light is being used at all times.
In all forms of energetic work, intention is of the highest importance. What is the purpose of your actions? What is the WHY behind the energy.
Some simple and powerful intentions are, “for the highest good of all,” “for life and healing,” “To create balance, life, harmony”
The use of intention is of the highest degrees of energetic work. While it may be thought of as a common act. A simple intention is all that is needed for someone to begin to heal. It is said that if a person truly holds the intention that they are healed in that moment. It becomes so.
As an energetic practitioner, it is our job and responsibility to hold the highest intentions for the person we are working with. We hold the intent of their healing when they cannot. We hold it so it becomes manifest for them. As we hold the intent and help them resonate to that frequency of reality, it starts to become manifest in their life.
All of our actions will be guided by the simple intentions that we set. When first starting to work with energy, it is very important to take a moment at the beginning and state your intentions either aloud or within with a clear mind. This will become your beacon and your compass as you begin to work. Your actions will become aligned with your intention, with each movement you ground the intention more into the present moment. If you are ever lost, remember your intention and let it guide you back.
The Mind and The Intuition
Energy work is unique to each of us. We will all have our own ways of moving and bringing through source energy. If you are connected, grounded and centered, with a clear intention, all of your actions will be correct. In this state of being, you are source manifested in the physical, you have the power of life and death, of time and space, of pure knowing and creation.
This can be a big order for our egos and personalities to handle. It is in my experience that this is the biggest challenge of working with source energy. You may have heard the statement “get out of your own way” or something similar suggesting the same. When we can quiet our mind and allow the energy to work with us in harmonious co-creation, magic can happen.
When we have a quiet ego who works with us and for the highest good, we can achieve great things. Our ego, and personality mind will tell us many things, some may be correct, and some may not. When they come from fear, they are never correct. Fear is the great divider. This is one way to begin to decern the egoic mind. If the thought is from fear, it is not correct.
When our egoic personality mind is of the highest good and working with and for us, it becomes another tool to use to have access to our boundless gifts. The mind becomes an aid to our intuition, feeding our awareness with cognitive knowing of certain circumstances and possible outcomes, The analysis function becomes a tool to determine patterns and discover conscious understanding of the world around us. It allows us to travel into the past and possible futures based on experience, to glean information to bring into the present. This is the function of our masculine left brain.
Our feminine left brain is our intuition. Our intuition is always present, in the now. Information the intuition receives always applies to the present moment. A moment of intuition may take a split second, minutes or a lifetime to fully unravel and decode its information. It uses our conscious knowing of events and learned knowledge to deliver information that pertains to our experience, and our current questions.
We can ask our intuition questions and receive answers.
A simple example of this would be to ask, “what fruit would be in my highest good at this moment?”
You close your eyes and decode the energetic information that enters your field of awareness. You may see a red apple, or you feel the sweetness and flavor of the apple, or you hear the crunch of the apple as it is bitten into, or you may simply know that you need a red apple. These are examples of ways the psychic senses may step down the intuitive information into ways that our conscious mind may access.
The catch in this scenario is that you knew what a red apple looked tasted and felt like. Our intuition used the previously stored information in our conscious mind of a red apple and portrayed it to us in a way that we could understand.
What if we had never seen a red apple? How would we know that it is a red apple that we need?
Our intuition has many ways of conveying information into our conscious personality mind. One example may be to see a green apple and a red grape in your mind, but there is emphasis on the apple and the red color of the grape. From there we can determine that it is a red apple that we may need.
To intuit information that we never had previous access to is a skill in itself. I have personally seen someone speak in languages they did not know by sounding out the words they were hearing. The words were translated by the person receiving them and turned into a sentence. The result was a saying that their now passed grandmother would say to them every night before bed.
When we can blend the use of our conscious egoic personality mind with our intuitive mind, we then access to the infinite. It is living in the corpus callosum, the portion of nerves which connect the two sides of our brain. This is a skill that will develop and evolve throughout your life, and you will learn to better access the subtle information that is given. Learning to recognize and sense intuition is unique to each person. You may receive information in different ways throughout your life to develop different senses.
Muscle Testing
A simple way to access the universal intelligence is through muscle testing.
The premise of muscle testing is that our body is always connected to all that is and can be used as a finely tuned instrument to access the intelligence that is around us.
This has been called many things, gut feeling, go with my gut, feeling in my bones ect. In fact, there are more neurons in the gut than in the brain. Called the enteric nervous system, it is located in our abdomen and is composed of over 100 million neurons.
We can use this gut brain to access our primal response system. A simple Yes/No to any question or situation.
Always remember to to source, ground and center. Find a “zero,” “empty” feeling in your body. Then ask your question. Notice the response your body gives, does your body have an overall positive feeling, or an overall negative feeling? Each person’s response will be different and the more you do this the more you will learn how your body gives answers. Some may feel a rush of energy or a depletion of energy, some may get excited or down. Some may be hungry or nauseated at the question.
A simple way to test this is to get two food items, one that is most likely good for you and one that is most likely bad. Examples may be an orange and sweet n low artificial sweetener. First, ground, source connect and center, Find your zero in your body. Bring one of the items into your auric field and hold it close to your belly. Notice the way you feel. Now bring the other stimulus in and notice the way you feel again. This can be done with another person handing you the items without your knowing of each. For more information on muscle testing, I highly recommend the book “Power vs Force” by David Hawkings.
When first learning your yes/no response, it is easiest to look for an overall response of your body. As you learn how your body communicates, the responses will become more subtle and when you get a “positive” response, there may be a “more positive” option available.
Let’s say you are scanning a menu and muscle testing each option with the question, “What is good for me to eat tonight?” There may be many positive responses to each dish. You can then sense into the subtitles of the “yes” response. One yes may give an extra sense of lightness, or heaviness, one may give the sense of fullness and the other of a snack. While all are a yes, it then becomes our choice to choose. You can always further refine your question and muscle test again!
With the above example and with all scenarios, the question that is asked becomes of great importance. “What is good for me to eat tonight” may yield many results while, “what is best for me to eat tonight in preppration for my business meeting tomorrow” may yield more specific results. The quality of your question determines the quality of your answer. Intuition acts as the equal sign in the equation, you pose the question, and your intuition will bring in that answer.
A simple way is to ask with the phrase “of the highest good” We can then change our question to, “what is in the highest good for me to eat tonight” Now our question takes in all possible future outcomes and determines the best course of action. All in the present moment.
When we ask a question we must be prepared to receive any answer. When using that same question in my life while walking around the grocery store, I have been called to many foods that my conscious mind and palate are not always fond of. Particularly zucchinis. In every scenario I have been gracious to eat the food my body was asking for.
So how does this all pertain to energy work?
Muscle testing can be used in any scenario to determine the best outcome.
If you are ever lost- ground, connect and center yourself. Remember your intent and ask a simple question.
How may I best serve this person in the highest good of all?
Let your mind and body act on the impulses that are received. Trust that you are in the flow of creation and in the driver seat of your experience. Know that your intent is becoming manifest. And surrender to the infinite possibilities.
Matching The Tone
Your body is a finely tuned receiver that can match any tone or frequency and amplify it for the purpose of healing. With this next step, you can and will be able to help heal any ailment. While it is simple, it is very powerful.
The science of waveforms shows us that when two equal frequencies of equal intensity,occur at the same time, and are out of phase with each other – they will cancel each other out.
What this means for energy healing, is that if we match the frequency of the dis-ease with equal intensity at that moment with a pure reflection. We will cancel out its existence.
Quantum physics has shown us that reality is constructed of waveforms. Everything has a frequency. When we reflect that energy back at its source, it ceases to exist.
The opposite is also true. When we match a frequency and are in sync with it, we amplify it.
Our bodies have the ability to match frequency. You may have noticed this during a deep conversation when someone reflects to you a certain belief or thought and upon illumination, your mind sees the non-truth and it ceases to exist for you.
When we lay our hands on someone, or that person enters our field of energy. We have a responsibility to be the conduit of source energy for their healing, our healing and the healing of all, in the highest good.
We must take responsibility for our energy when we are in this state. If we choose to reflect and amplify energy for someone; we are also reflecting and amplifying our own energy.
If your body and soul share a harmonic frequency with the person you are helping, your body will also reflect that pattern and receive healing. This is when being grounded, sourced and centered becomes even more important. We receive healing as well as the person we are helping. It becomes important to notice if we are being pulled back into our egoic conscious personality mind as this pattern is being pulled up in our awareness. We must stay in a state of conscious detachment for the process that is going on within us and within the person we are helping. We observe the process with conscious awareness. Notice if you are pulled into experience or if you stay in a state of observance.
The paradox of this is that every person we will work on we share a pattern with, it is why we can help them, because we are, or have gone through the release of the energetic pattern. The other side of the paradox is that we share all patterns with everyone in creation. When we have achieved this level of awareness we become a master, able to help anyone with any circumstance.
As we work with people and follow the flow of energy through their body, we may notice that it travels in certain patterns in the body.
Establishing Energetic Continuity in the body
This is where it all comes together into practical application. When we establish continuity in the body, we are helping to restore an even energetic tone throughout the body. During daily life, we may encounter forces entering our systems that cause parts of us to disconnect from the rest of the body. This can create a disturbance in the energetic flow of the body, causing buildups of increased or decreased energetic flow.
When establishing continuity, we help the body reconnect to these energies and restore flow. This is the beginning of an energetic adjustment, and one of the most important steps. As we help the person make changes in their body, it is important for the energy information to travel through the entire body, being received equally throughout. Establishing continuity helps the person to create a connection through the entire system. When a force is applied anywhere in the system, it can travel throughout the entire being. Like a ripple in a pond radiating out.
We can feel for areas of increased or decreased energetic tone and help the person reconnect to those areas by matching the tone and increasing awareness, allowing them to harmonize the energies.
This is a very powerful tool and is the basis for any energetic work.
When there is even energetic tone in the body, the person will begin to express tension patterns that express from the head to the toe. These patterns hold us to ways of being. When energy enters our body and resonate to a particular pattern, they run through the body in the specific way. When we can access and release these patterns, we liberate the stored energy held within, freeing and allowing the person to experience the energy in a new way. More on this in Energy Healing 202